Friday, September 4, 2009

Ed Rondthaler:The nonsense of english spelling

Saturday, June 20, 2009

freaky frogs...the Surinam toad

The Surinam toad is one nature's most unusual creatures. It's actually a frog, which spends its entire life cycle in tropical South American rivers and canals.

With its flattened body and triangular head, it can easily be mistaken for leafy debris while waiting patiently for a meal to swim by--unsuspecting fish, worms and bugs are sucked into its large mouth with surprising speed.

What makes them unique is their reproduction. After the female lays her pea-sized eggs, the male places them on her back and pushes them into her spongy skin. The eggs incubate as mom's new skin slowly develops and covers them, keeping them safe and out of sight.

Eventually the eggs hatch inside the skin pockets, and the babies develop through the tadpole stage. In 70 to 120 days, fully formed froglets pop out of mom's back!

Here's a video of a Surinam "toad" giving birth:

©2009 Tammy Yee
All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

crazy for cats

Cats, cats, cats.

With 88.3 million cats in U.S. households, they've replaced dogs (74.8 million) as America's most popular pet. That's a lot of kitty litter.

What is it about these sharp-clawed predators that fascinates us? Ask the ancient Egyptians, who kept them as pets 4000 years ago.

What began as working relationship (mouse eats grain, cat eats mouse–when pharaoh is happy, everyone is happy) later became an obsession as cats became associated with Bastet, the goddess of fertility and motherhood. Pampered at temples devoted to Bastet, they were mummified and buried in huge communal graves.

What most don't know is that this devotion wasn't always pretty. Cat mummies became so popular that by 300 B.C., young kittens were sacrificed in large numbers as temple offerings. So many, that in the late 1800s an English company bought 38,000 pounds to sell as fertilizer. That's 180,000 cat mummies in a single shipment!

However, Egyptians weren't the first cat-lovers.

Kitties have been coughing up hairballs and dead birds on earthen doorsteps far earlier. In 2004, a human and a cat were found together in a 9,500 year-old Cyprus grave. And in 2007, a study in the journal Science found that the granddaddy of all house cats was a desert wildcat, Felis silvestris lybica, which roamed the Middle East 10,000 years ago and continues to do so today.

Now that cats are here to stay, here are some funky facts about our fickle feline friends:
  • Wild species of cats are native to all continents except Australia and Antarctica...Sadly, most of the thirty-six cat species are in danger of becoming extinct within the next twenty-five years.
    (Natural History Museum)

  • Cats have remained relatively unchanged since they first appeared 30 million years ago.

  • A house cat can jump nine to ten times its height, the equivalent of a professional basketball player jumping more than 60 feet.

  • A group of cats is referred to as a "clowder", a male cat is called a "tom" (or a "gib", if neutered), and a female is called a "queen".

  • A domestic cat's sense of smell is about fourteen times as strong as a human's.

  • Cats have a third eyelid, the nictitating membrane. And unlike humans, they do not need to blink to lubricate their eyes with tears.

  • Cats lack a gene required to taste sweetness...which would be unnecessary, since such a gene is only advantageous in animals that consume plants.

  • Most cats sleep 12 to 16 hours a day, to conserve energy between hunts.

Cat records:
  • Smallest cat: the Rusty-spotted cat, Prionailurus rubiginosus, found in India and Sri Lanka. Less than half the size of a domestic cat, it stands seven inches high and weighs less than three pounds.

  • Largest cat: the Tiger, Panthera tigris. Males can weigh as much as 700 pounds, are ten to eleven feet long (not including tail), and can eat 80 pounds of meat in a single sitting.

  • Rarest cat: Iberian lynx. Only 100 to 150 are believed to survive in the wild, a result of dwindling habitats and decline in prey.

Be sure to make some Big Cat origami I've designed:

©2009 Tammy Yee. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 10, 2009

aurora borealis

Astronaut Don Pettit creates a time lapse video of the Aurora Borealis from the International Space Station. NPR Science Friday, April 10, 2009.

candy corn in space...

NASA astronaut Don Pettit experiments with candy corn aboard the International Space Station to demonstrate the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of soap. . From NPR's Science Friday, April 10, 2009. Hosted by Ira Flatow.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008

Clash of eagles, Poland. By Antoni Kasprzak, Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008.

An adult Southern Right Whale, (Eubalaena australis) encounters a diver on the sandy sea bottom at a depth of 22-meters off the Auckland Islands, New Zealand. Photograph by Brian Skerry.

Snowstorm leopard winner of the Gerald Durrell Award for Endangered Wildlife. Photograph by Steve Winter.

Sub-adult male black crested macaque, Indonesia. Phoptograph by Stefano Unterthiner.

A critically endangered Morelets tree frog, Agalychnis moreletii, battles for its life with a cat-eyed snake. Chiquibul Forest Reserve, Belize. Photograph by David Maitland.

Friday, January 2, 2009

have a cosmic new year...

Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud

V838 Monocerotis

NASA Hubble Telescope views of a space phenomenon called a light echo. Light from a star that erupted nearly 5 years ago continues propagating outward through a cloud of dust surrounding the star. The light reflects or "echoes" off the dust and then travels to Earth.

Eta Carinae

On the brink of destruction,
Eta Carinae is highly unstable and prone to violent outbursts. The last of these occurred in 1841, when despite being over 10,000 light years away, Eta Carinae briefly became the second brightest star in the sky.

Eagle Nebula

Appearing like a winged fairy-tale creature poised on a pedestal, the Eagle Nebula is actually a billowing tower of cold gas and dust rising from a stellar nursery. The soaring tower is 9.5 light-years or about 90 trillion km high, about twice the distance from our Sun to the next nearest star.

Reflection Nebula NGC 1999

In the constellation Orion.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

mele kalikimaka

From Mount Crumpit comes news, Recession Steals Christmas! Even Santa is downsizing, resorting to hiring non-union reindeer...

Can we bring back Cindy Lou Who, now nearly fifty-two? Have we lost her at the mall? Does she still sing at all?

With my own youngest Who at that awkward age where he's "too old" to help me decorate, yet still young enough to miss it if I don't, I've been waxing nostalgic. Dragging out the old ornaments and tinsel wreath, threading hooks through Popsicle stick stars and seashell angels with crooked eyes.

In the process, I found some old Christmas origami I designed years ago. Instructions can be found on my Origami Page. Simply print and fold.

Christmas Tree



So have fun this Christmas. Don't sweat the small stuff. And if you see Cindy Lou, tell her Christmas dinner is at my house. I'm preparing roast beast.

Mele Kalikimaka

©2008 Tammy Yee

Friday, December 12, 2008

all work and no play in monterey (hey, that rhymes)

Walked the beach twice...gulls, pelicans, kelp, a dead cormorant, sand dollars, strange mole crabs...surfers in 4mm wetsuits braving the cold. Met a couple of surfers. Was hoping for fodder for fiction...alas, none had seen a great white up close and personal, though they did know surfers who drowned. Sadly, everyone in Hawaii knows of surfers who drowned...

Big cross to mark the bicentennial of Don Gaspar de Portola ("You killed my father, prepare to die.") calling it quits in Monterey and returning to San Diego for "lack of provisions."

Spent most of the time indoors, working and revising. Submission was 20 pages for a one-on-one consultation and two faculty-led critique groups. Each critique group (6 people max) met twice, for 2-2.5 hour sessions. You were expected to return to your room and WORK. There was a business center and a Staples where you could print and make copies of your revisions.

Faculty was outstanding. Editors, agents, established authors. Excellent feedback, not just some cursory review. Best of all, the faculty made themselves accessible and were easy to approach.

Brain frazzled.

Thank God for ground squirrels.

And purdy flowers.

Would I recommend? YES. But be prepared to write. Big Sur Children's Writing Workshop

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

preparation and panic...the big sur writers workshop

Checklist of things to do...

1. Hold seance to channel successful authors (preferably not those who died young and destitute)...

2. Make desperate offering to Great Publishing Gods (clams and urchins work best)...

3. Kiss babies for good luck (can never hurt)...

4. Groom self, make good impression...

5. Prepare for constructive criticism...

6. Network ("Girl, you let him touch your clams?!")...

7. Make new friends (he smell funny, but he creative genius, and gots nice socks)...


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All rights reserved. No portion of this web site may be reproduced without prior written consent.