Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Work Isn't Over Once You're Published....

It's in the contract:
"The Authors agree to promote the Work to the best of his/her abilities...particularly in the first quarter following the Work's publication..."
Expect to find a similar clause in all your contracts, detailing your required participation in autograph sessions, interviews, and digital promotion on websites and social networking sites.

In the New York Times editorial, "I Wrote It, Must I Also Hustle It?" television personality and author Dick Cavett details his experience in having to promote his latest book, coming off of a dozen back-to-back radio interviews. We should all be so lucky, but what he drives home is the responsibility for authors to participate in promoting their work. Another article by Mr. Cavett details what many authors (including myself) have experienced: finding that stores haven't been able to sell your books, despite all the promotion you've done, not because they've been selling out but because they haven't been getting them from the publisher: "An Author’s Nightmare."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Plan

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) proposes moving weaned female monk seal pups to mainland Hawaiian Islands, where there are less predators, to improve the survival rate of sexually mature females:

"According to NMFS, 60 to 90 percent of NWHI (North West Hawaiian Islands) seals die by the age of three. However, research has shown that MHI (Main Hawaiian Islands) seals do well, with 60 percent surviving to adulthood. Jeff Walters, of the NMFS, said a reason for this could be that there are less predators and competitors on MHI."

Read the full article here, detailing concerns the local community has on the impact relocating seal pups may have on fishing:The Molokai Dispatch~Save Our Seals

Locals swim alongside KP2, an abandoned monk seal pup raised by humans
KP2's friendliness was of concern. Officials worried his playfulness might injure people as he matured.

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